Social Media Internship

Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
Director of Programming & Policy
Preferred learners
Academic experience
Marketing strategy Media
social media social media strategy marketing fundraising
Project scope
What is the main goal for this project?

As an MN-based African American youth organization, we are seeking an intern for hire at $15. We are in the process of a capital campaign (raising money for our programming space).

Here is more information of the concept we are raising funds for.

Duties of an Intern:

Create 2-4 marketing posts for the social media platforms of your choice that you think will best reflect our brand.

Go to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Make a social media strategy around fundraising. Think of examples of what types of posts YOU would do if you were our social media coordinator.

Submit 2-4 example posts per week on the platform of your choice. Be creative, there are no wrong answers.

Bonus Points for actually posting from your own social media accounts, tagging us, and using the hashtag #30K #30,000ft

This position has an opportunity for permanent part-time hire at $20 per hour as a social media coordinator.

About the company
Arts, Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society

ANEW BAM is a K-8 education and arts organization that was established in 2013 by Kevin Robinson and Vanessa Young. As African Americans who are deeply invested in the St. Paul community, we became concerned with the number of disenfranchised youth on the East Side of Saint Paul who were not having their academic and social/emotional needs met. After several conversations with youth on the East Side, Kevin and Vanessa recognized a need for out of school programs that supported academic achievement, positive behaviors, and provided structure for marginalized students, and collectively formed an organization that would not only fill the void of these types of out of school and summer activities, but also address the disconnection many disenfranchised youth feel when it comes to their learning environments.