Web App Development For Three Websites

Project scope
Website development Mobile app developmentSkills
No skills listedThe main goal of this project is to develop Web Apps for three of our websites. The sites are www.stclausti.com, www.admovichstore.com and www.hausmarkets.com,.
These web Apps are to be for both Android and Apple stores.
The learners will use the existing content and structures of the above mentioned sites to develop Apps for the sites. They can make changes to the sites if necessary to permit a functional and effective web Apps.
They will write up codes that will create functional web Apps for these three websites and these Apps will be uploaded to both Google Play Store and Apple App Store.
This will be accomplished by reviewing the sites, looking for the appropriate software suitable for creating the relevant web App for the websites.
The learner will be paid via the Level UP program. I will provide access to our websites and servers to allow them to complete the project. I will be available for guidance and feedback during the project.
About the company
Groupe St. Claus Ti Incorporee is a project and product development and project management and a consultancy company. We also write and publish books, write and publish songs. We design and sell clothes made from our designs and concepts.